Parliament Member: "The Supreme Court is Gutting the Parliament of Substance"
Israel's Parliament is trying to restrict the supreme court. One parliament member: "four million people vote for parliament just to have the supreme court rule a law 'unconstitutional'".
Vocational education graduates - Mizrahi Jews with less education and low wages
A study by The Central Bank of Israel found: Most vocational education graduates 50 years ago were Mizrahi Jews - and only 27% of them expressed a desire to study in these scools.
People who Need to Choose Between Their Basic Needs and Hope
There's a close connection between poverty and gambling, more than someone needs food, clothing or shelter, they need to believe a better life is possible.
1\13,983,816 is a simple, playful, visualization of the choice poor people have, a choice that is not really a choice, a sentiment being exploited by the people running Israel's gambling company.
Israel's Highest institutions as a Game to be Assembled as You Please.
Maybe it's because Israel doesn't have a constitution or maybe it's these post modern times in which there is no right or wrong, but recently elected officials are trying to deconstruct and rebuild the supreme court, the parliament and the army as would benefit them politically.
Educational Gaps in Israel Between Mizrahi and Ashkenazi Jews
In the 1950's and 1960's the young government of Israel brought tens of thousands of Jews from arabic countries to Israel in an act called "Alyah", The Idea was to bring back all the Jews from around the world to one place but even though the intentions were good in reality a gap between the two groups was starting to grow.
The Arabic Jews (Mizrahim) were seen as uncultured by the European Jews (Ashkenazim) and as such were sent to Vocational Schools to learn how to be mechanics, hair dressers and accountants, this paved the way for decades of inequality for generations.
In the picture: Mizrahi Jews in a vocational school in the 1960's
Are you poor and unemployed? Come throw your money away on the lottery: dozens of kiosks in poor cities and neighborhoods, zero kiosks in rich places.
In Israel, by law, gambling is allowed only by one company. This company, called "The Luck Factory", spends tens of millions of dollars every year on advertising mostly to poor communities, selling the illusion of winning
Parliament Member: "The Supreme Court is Gutting the Parliament of Substance"
Israel's Parliament is trying to restrict the supreme court. One parliament member: "four million people vote for parliament just to have the supreme court rule a law 'unconstitutional'".

political work
A body of works that started from news articles
One of the best places for me to find inspiration is a newspaper, as a person who was for many years first and foremost a social and political activist, I find many design and art opportunities in politics and current affairs.
These projects are an eclectic body of work based on issues that are important to me, from the pandemic of gambling through the political corruption in Israel to the abundance of wars in this part of the world.
2017 - Today
Ready-Made, Print, Textile, Plastic, Mixed Media and more

The Education Mizrahi Jews got to have

Vocational education graduates - Mizrahi Jews with less education and low wages
A study by The Central Bank of Israel found: Most vocational education graduates 50 years ago were Mizrahi Jews - and only 27% of them expressed a desire to study in these scools.

Educational Gaps in Israel Between Mizrahi and Ashkenazi Jews
In the 1950's and 1960's the young government of Israel brought tens of thousands of Jews from arabic countries to Israel in an act called "Alyah", The Idea was to bring back all the Jews from around the world to one place but even though the intentions were good in reality a gap between the two groups was starting to grow.
The Arabic Jews (Mizrahim) were seen as uncultured by the European Jews (Ashkenazim) and as such were sent to Vocational Schools to learn how to be mechanics, hair dressers and accountants, this paved the way for decades of inequality for generations.
In the picture: Mizrahi Jews in a vocational school in the 1960's

A visualization of the choices poor people have

Are you poor and unemployed? Come throw your money away on the lottery: dozens of kiosks in poor cities and neighborhoods, zero kiosks in rich places.
In Israel, by law, gambling is allowed only by one company. This company, called "The Luck Factory", spends tens of millions of dollars every year on advertising mostly to poor communities, selling the illusion of winning
* 1\13,983,816 is the chance to win the lottery
People who Need to Choose Between Their Basic Needs and Hope
There's a close connection between poverty and gambling, more than someone needs food, clothing or shelter, they need to believe a better life is possible.
1\13,983,816 is a simple, playful, visualization of the choice poor people have, a choice that is not really a choice, a sentiment being exploited by the people running Israel's gambling company.

State assembly
Elected officials in Israel tend to view our state institutions as a game to be taken apart and rebuild as they please