art from
the desert
An eclectic body of work from my time every year in the desert
My longest lasting relationship is the one with the inDnegev festival. It's an indie music festival with a big emphasis on physical art in any scale. the festival takes place every year in the southern, mostly desert, part of Israel called Negev and I've been working there since 2013, first as a plastic artist and since 2018 as the art director of all the physical art in the festival.
So every year, for one month I find myself in the middle of the desert, surrounded by creative, talented people and a lot of power tools and raw materials and I start building things in a very open and free way.
And a month later it's all gone.
2013 - Today
Ready Made, Wood, Metal, Plastic, Paint and more

Made With: Kobi Vogman

Made With: Kobi Vogman

Made With: Thomas Glazer

Made With: Thomas Glazer

Made With: Thomas Glazer